Lauren and I had a full MLK weekend. We went to the movies, we went on a bike ride and we went to the Science Museum. The best part of the weekend was that Granny came back in town. Lauren was so excited to see her. She is so happy that she is here for a few weeks.
On Monday we made cupcakes to remember that it has been three years since the accident. I love that her hair is all grown back and she is just a beautiful as always.
It was such a beautiful day that I wanted to be outside. I suggest that we go to the zoo to walk around. It was fun to enjoy the weather and get some exercise. Lauren and I had a nice mommy and Lauren day.
I love when the house is decorated but it is always nice when the holidays are over and everything comes down. It was a wonderful holiday season and it will be a great new year!!
We went over to Don and Janine's home to welcome in 2012. Lauren was determined to stay up to midnight and would not be fooled by the New York midnight.
Lauren had a great time with Grant and his friend Daniel. They loved the silly string, sparklers and fireworks. I enjoyed the wonderful steak dinner and watching Lauren have so much fun.
Another highlight of the evening for Lauren was helping Janine make her boy sock monkey a Juliet. She loves her sock monkeys.