Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kentucky Trip - Day 3

Getting ready to leave to go to the lake house.

Swimming at the lake house.

Taking a walk in the woods.

What a wonderful night.

On our 3rd day in Kentucky we drove to a lake house. One of Dale's friends owns a wonderful lake house and they allowed us to use the house and the boat for a few days. Granny, Lauren and I went down on Monday. Once we got there and unpacked we went for a swim in the swimming pool. The water was cooler then in Arizona but it still had a wonderful time. We ended the evening going out to dinner and a nice walk in the woods. It was another great day.

One of the most wonderful things about Kentucky is the green green grass and all the trees. It was so lovely to just look out and see all the green. Living in the land of brown it was a nice change.

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