Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kentucky Trip - Day 4

Granny and Lauren on the boat.

Kate, Lauren and Andie.

Me and the girls swimming in the lake.

Lauren and Kate.

Lauren and Andie

Lauren and Kate.

Kate and Andie

The girls on the dock.

Jumping off the boat.

Playing Clue.
Ready for bed.

Day 4 was spent on the lake. Dale and the girls, Kate and Andie, joined us at the lake in the morning. We then spent the rest of the day on the boat. It rained a bit but that did not spoil the fun time we all had.

This was Lauren's first time on a boat and riding on a inner tube. I was not sure if Lauren would do it because she is not a huge ride person, but she loved it. She had so much fun and Kate and Andie are such sweeties. The girls really got along and they all had so much fun.

After the fun on the boat, we had a wonderful dinner. The girls finished the day with some games and a movie. They were asleep within a few minutes of turning the lights off.

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