Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kentucky Trip - Day 2

On granny's porch swing.
Lauren and Jack
Lauren and the dogs

Lauren and Brooks

Enjoying Kentucky soft grass with a roll down the hill

Lauren and Granny cooking.

Lauren ready for church.

Day 2 started with going to church. Granny had told so many people about Lauren (her heart grandchild). We meet a lot of her friends and enjoyed a nice service.

After church Lauren had a wonderful afternoon with Jack and Brooks. She loved playing with those dogs and they loved playing with her. The first thing each morning she would run to play with the dogs. She is such an animal person and it feels me with joy to watch her run and hug and just play with them.

In the afternoon we went to a park where Lauren had a great time playing on the playground equipment and just having fun at the park.

The day ended with Lauren helping granny make some treats for our trip to the lake. It was a wonderful day.

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