Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Break Vacation - Day 2 - Legoland

Lauren at Legoland

Driving the car

Lauren loves this ride.

Jacob enjoying the train.

Lauren ready to ride the planes.



Lauren and Sammie all locked up.

Lauren and Sammie on the planes.

Lauren not enjoying this ride!!

Lauren with the Star War's figures.

Lauren and Sammie

Lauren in the lion. Lauren loves this pose. I think I have one each time we went to Legoland.

Lauren and Sammie

Lauren ready for Halloween.
On the second day of our fall break vacation we went to Legoland. Lauren does not like fast or scary rides, so Legoland is prefect for her. She can go on most of the rides without her getting too scared. She did try the frog hop ride and hated it. (See picture above.)
Sammie loves to go on rides. She will try some of the bigger roller coasters and for the most part she likes them. Even Jacob got to go on a few rides. He really liked the boat rides and the little train ride.
It was a fun second day for vacation.

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