Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Break Vacation - Day 3 - San Diego Zoo

Lauren on the sky ride.

Lauren and Sammie

Lauren with the seal.

Lauren with her new panda

Sammie loving her new polar bear.

Lauren and Sammie ready to go back to the hotel

On the 3rd day of our fall break vacation we went to the San Diego Zoo. I love the San Diego zoo. It has so many animals and the grounds are so beautiful to walk around. Lauren and I have come here many times and I have loved every visit. We have such a good time just walking around and looking at the animals. This trip we took the sky ride and a bus tour.
The weather was nice and cool. It was a great day at the zoo. I told Lauren that she could have one present on this trip. I explained that if she got the present the first day she would not get one any other day. She had decided that she wanted a panda. She picked one and that was it.

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