Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Break Vacation - Day 1 - California Beach

Lauren on the beach in La Jolla

Lauren, Jacob and Sammie (It is very hard to take a picture of Sammie. She is always moving and never looks at you when you take a picture.)

Sammie and Jacob

I love the reflection in this picture.

Fall break for Lauren and Sammie was last week. With a week off school we thought it would be fun to visit California for a few days. Brian and Diane, Sammie and Jacob and Lauren and I went drove over on Wednesday morning. We finally got there in the late afternoon. After checking into the hotel and unpacking the car we went to the beach to spend a little bit of time. It was pretty chilly out but the girls had a great time running on the beach and into the water. It was way to cold for me to go into the water.
It was a nice start to our fall break vacation.

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