Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Camp

This summer Lauren is attending a few summer day camps. One of the camps she is going to is at a gymnastics's center. She went all last week from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. They did swimming, soccer, arts and crafts, dance, karate, and of course gymnastics. She seemed to love going. On Friday afternoon they had an open house to let us see what they did all week. It was fun to see her with her little class.

She is going to be attending this camp a few more weeks this summer. Next.
time she will be with one of her good friends.

Because they do so many things and keep the kids really busy, I have one every tired girl at the end of the day. However, that is not the end of our day. We still have swimming lessons every night. By Friday I have a girl that just passes out when her head hits the pillow.

I am trying to keep her busy this summer but also give her the change to try some new things.

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