Sunday, June 8, 2008

Beautiful Hair

This past week I have been thinking about my first feelings and thoughts of Lauren. I always have these thought around this time and around the time I received her.

One of the things I wondered about was what would her hair be like. Would it be fine? Would it be the slick, straight hair that many Asians have. Would it be thick? In her referral picture it was hard to tell since she had very little of it. The SWI kept it shaved.

I had heard that the SWI's were to stop shaving the head once the child had a family ready to adopt her. But that was not what happened with Lauren. Her hair was very short when I got her. In fact, Grant, who was 4 at that time, thought she was a boy because of her hair. He was convinced that we were wrong and she was a boy. When we asked him why he always talked about her hair being boy hair. I would agree with him, it did look like boy's hair.

There was another little girl in our referral group that had longer hair and we all thought that she was a cutie. When I look back on that I realize it was because of the hair. Her hair lmade her lo oked more like a girl.

When Lauren's hair started to grow out I realized that she would not have that slick hair but that her hair would have a lot of texture to it. It is straight but it is very thick.

It can hold a curl really well. I can curl her hair with a curling iron and it will stay curled for the whole day and longer. I like how it looks curled but it does look very pretty just straight. She is one lucky girl. I get comments all the time on her hair. They are amazed at how thick it is.

I love to watch her dance and run when her hair is down. It really does look very pretty.
The problems with this kind of hair is that we get knots. Mornings can be tough. Most days Lauren's hair is in a ponytail or pigtails or something like that. Otherwise it will be in her face and probably get very knotty. But some days I let her wear it down or with a headband and I know she just loves that.

The other great thing about this type of hair is that I get to do so much with it. We have so many bows, headbands, ponytail holders, and etc. It is fun to try to match her outfits everyday.

Lauren told me once she wants her hair to go down to her butt. I am not sure it would grow that long or I would want it that long. I think it could be a bit longer but then that is it. Who knows, next week Lauren might want to cut it all off. (That would make me sad!!) She did try to get me to let her get bangs again. I did put my foot down on that. Growing out bangs is a pain and I don't want to do that again.

My beautiful girl!!!

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