Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dance Recital (number 2)

Lauren has been attending a dance studio since August and today was the end of the season dance recital. Lauren was in three dances and was pretty excited about it.

We started the day at the mall getting Lauren's hair and make-up done. She didn't enjoy that as much as she did the last time. I think she was a bit tired and hungry. So, after she was finished we went and had an early lunch.

Here she is getting her make-up done.

Hair style time.

The finished product. She looked so cute, however, this time she was not that careful with the make - up and by the time we got to the recital the make - up was pretty much gone.

The back view of the hair.

We got to the recital and she had to be dressed in her first outfit. She was excited. I tried to get a few pictures but she told me she wanted to go with her friends. It was a bit sad. The other sad thing is that you drop them off and then you don't see them again until after the show. Their are people that are getting them dressed and ready in the dressing rooms. It is strange to think that she is old enough to go by herself and do this.

This is the tap outfit. This picture was taken a few weeks ago at the studio.

The tap performance was the first dance she did. These pictures are from the dress rehearsal. We were allowed to use flash during the dress rehearsal but not during the performance so the ones I took during the performance did not turn out.

The next dance she did was her ballet dance. She really does not like ballet that much and does not want to take that class next year. The class did so bad during the dress rehearsal but they did much better during the actual performance. Again this picture is from a few weeks ago.

They all look a bit lost during the dress rehearsal. It was kinda funny. One of the girls even fall on her bum. Then one of the other girls yelled at the girls to move. It was funny.

The last dance was her jazz dance. She loved that dance and outfit the most. She liked this outfit because it showed her tummy. They did a great job on this dance.

They were really good during the performance and they all did a great job.

At one part of the dance they shake their hips. That is what Lauren is doing here. Lauren is very cute during the dances but (I hate to say this) she is not a dancer. She usually is going the wrong direction or she not with the others. She tries really hard and I am so proud of her. As long as she is having fun then she is great in my eyes.

Aunt Janine, Elaine, Blaire, Aunt Diane, Uncle Brian and Sammie all came to the recital. Sammie gave Lauren some flowers after the recital was done.

Elaine and Blaire also gave Lauren some flowers. It was a fun day.

At first Lauren did not want to take dance any more, but now she wants to take just tap and jazz. I think I can handle one class a week.

Janine asked me after the show if it was worth the $500 plus that you have to spend for the recital. It was really cute but I still think they could do the recital for a little less money. Next year we will only have to buy two outfits so it will be a bit less.

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