Thursday, July 22, 2010

Vacation 2010 - Day 12 (Home to Arizona)

Lauren and Ella.
Lauren and Ella



Lauren at the airport.

Our last picture in Orlando, Florida.
On our last day we slept in and then went and had some breakfast. We finished packing and got everything out for the bus to take us to the airport. We had a little bit of time and so we took some pictures before leaving the hotel.
We left a hot, humid Orlando and got to Phoenix and a heat wave. The rest of the week was 115 plus. I still thought it was better then hot and humid Orlando.
Lauren and I had such a great time on vacation. Thanks to Kim and her parents for letting us stay with them at the timeshare resort. It was nice to have room to move around and to make lunches and dinners instead of eating out all the time.
I am glad I got to visit Disneyworld and see the wonder of it. However, I will never go back to Orlando in the summer. It is just too hot and humid. I will stick with Disneyland in CA during the summer. I would like to see Disneyworld at a different time of year where you can actually enjoy being outside and not trying to figure out where to go that has AC.
I am glad that Lauren got to see all of Disneyworld and we didn't have to rush through things. It was a fun vacation!!! Time to start to plan for next summer.

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