Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lauren and Sammie

Lauren and Sammie ready to play outside.
Lauren having a great time.

Sammie. I love this picture because it is so Sammie. She is always on the go. She loves life and to have fun. She is a sweet little girl. I love the dirty face but the sweet smile and beautiful eyes. She loves Lauren and Lauren just adores her.

Lauren reading to Sammie before bedtime.

Making music in the morning.

Swimming in the pool.
Janine usually watches Lauren while I work. Last week, Janine and her family went away for a few days so I had to come up with someone else to watch Lauren. I gave Lauren a few choices including camps, a babysitter or her cousin, Sammie's house. She quickly decided to go to Sammie's house. It was a drive to get her there each morning but Lauren just loved it. She would tell me all about it when I picked her up. She tired to spend the night but it did not work out. So Sammie came up on Friday and spent the night at our house. The girls had a great time. I love that these two cousins get along so well.

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