Sunday, February 7, 2010

Out of State Cheer Competition

Most of Lauren' s team. This was right after the first day's competition. They were doing really well until Lauren had a fall on one of the stunts. The girls didn't seem to care. (A couple of the girls are on a older team also. They had to go and get ready to compete again.)
Lauren on stage.

The big move.

Room service.

This weekend we had an out of state competition. We went to Palm Springs. the competition was two days. It was a huge competition. Lauren's division had 12 teams in it. Usually we only have between 2 and 5 so this was huge. They had big screens on the side of the stage to show the competition. It went from 7:30 am to about 8:00 pm. We only had to stay for the time she competed and during awards.
Lauren just loves to stay at hotels and loves when they have room service. She wanted to order it all the time. We did when we first got in and she thought it was great. (The wine is mine.) She hates that I take pictures of everything.
The competition did not go well for them. They started off really strong and then Lauren fell on one of the stunts. The girls didn't seem to mind. I asked Lauren if she felt bad and was upset that she fell and she told me "mom, it is just for fun". We (the parents and coaches) had high hopes for the second day but with 3 falls things did not get better. (Again the girls didn't seem to mind.) It was just a bad weekend for their cheering. However, they had a great time playing with each other. We were hoping to go swimming but it rained all day and was cold. So instead the girls ran around the hotel. Since most of the guest were in the competition so no one complained. The girls really got along and so did the parents. (Of course Sunday morning it was bright and sunny and warm!)
We have another out of state competition in a few months. I am sure they will do better and even if they don't I don't think they will care to much. That one is right by Disneyland so they are excited about going to the park after the competition is over.

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