Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Fun at the zoo.

With cousin's Sammie and Jacob at the zoo.

Lauren and the Meerkats.

Lauren and Sammie!

Time to say good-bye.
Valentine's Day at our house starts with the Valentine presents. Lauren made me two wonderful crafts. One is her hand print in a heart. It is so very pretty. It will have special place at work.
Lauren loved the items in the Valentine's basket. She got a new Webkinz and had to load him on the site. She doesn't play webkinz much anymore but today she wanted to play on the website a few times.
We then went to the zoo. We called Brian and Diane to see if they wanted to meet us there. Since we all have annual passes it is an inexpensive way to spend the day. It was so nice out and the girls had fun just running around. I don't think they looked at more then a couple of the animals but they had a great time.
It was a wonderful Valentine's Day.
It is also the start of Chinese New Year. We missed the FCC celebration last weekend and I ask Lauren if she wanted to change into her Chinese outfit and go out for dinner. That was quickly voted down. We will try again next year.

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