Sunday, November 29, 2009

Snow (Arizona Style)

Decorating the Christmas tree.

Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas season has begun. This weekend we put up our Christmas decorations, had Christmas pictures taken and even had time to enjoy Arizona snow.
For many years I had the ornaments on my Christmas tree match the red and white snowflake theme that I decorated the rest of my house. We would put our "fun" ornaments on a wreath. This year I decided to do away with that and we put all our decorations on the tree. Lauren loved this and the tree looks so fun with all different kinds of ornaments. I remember this from when I was young and I want Lauren to remember putting her school made, and special ornaments on the tree.
The picture taking in always a challenge with Lauren. She is getting better but she is not natural in front of the camera and then I am stressed. This year our challenge was the hair that is still growing out and a loose tooth in front. The loose tooth kinda sticks out now and so all the pictures look like she has this strange dagger tooth in front. But that is what she looks like now so it is what it is!!
We also went to a local shopping area that is all decorated and they have snow every hour. The snow is foam but the kids seem to like watching it fall.
The house is decorated, the pictures done and we are now ready to enjoy the holiday season.

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