Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Member of our Family

Introducing, Princess Crystal.

Welcome to our family, Princess Crystal.

Today we got a new little kitty. Lauren named her Princess Crystal. She seems like a very sweet little girl. Lauren is so happy to have a new kitty.

Tigger, our old cat, ran away last week. I promised Lauren we would get a new one if he did not come home. I will confess that I am not sad that Tigger ran away. He was a very mean cat and if that behavior kept up I would have had to get rid of him. My siblings all said that I should get rid of him. He would attack us all the time. He would jump on us and bite us. There were a number of times that he jumped up on my little niece's head and bit her. He would hiss at us and when people came over we had to keep him away from them because he would hiss and attack. I kept thinking he would grow out of it but it got worse and worse. I had reached the point where I was going to take him to the pound. But he ran away. It is interesting but as mean as he was and as much as he bit and attacked Lauren she was so sad that he ran away. I thought he might come back but it has been about a week and he has not come back. I felt it was safe to get a new little kitten.

Princess Crystal is about 8 weeks old and so small. She is an interesting color. Lauren picked her out and did not want to look at any of the other ones. I kept telling Lauren to look at the other ones but she had made up her mine. Princess Crystal seems nice I hope she continues to be that way.

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