Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hair Update #5

18 weeks after the accident

13 weeks after the accident

9 weeks after the accident.

6 weeks after the accident

3 weeks after the accident.

3 days after the accident

I think that we made some huge progress this past few weeks. The bald spot is now covered. It is still pretty thin but it is covered which makes things a bit easier. Now when I part it and the hair moves a little you can't see any of the scalp below. I think we are about half way to having it nice and thick once again. We are years from having it all once length and nice and long but we will get there.
It amazes me but it does not bother Lauren at all. We do ponytails, braids, pigtails and we try other things. She knows we have to do the side part but then we try other things. She is a good sport and she has been such a trooper through this whole thing. I keep thinking that when she is in junior high or high school she won't remember this at all. I will have to reminder her by showing her pictures. At the present time we are dealing with it and we doing a great job at it.

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