Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Winter Vacation - Sea World

I love this picture of Lauren. She was so happy that we took a vacation that was just the two of us. There were so many times she told me "today is the best day I have ever had". It was fun to share this time with her.

The weather was great. A little foggy in the morning but by mid morning it was clear and a great day.

This was the Clyde and Seamore Christmas Show. Lauren thought it was really funny. We have been to Sea World at least once in the past four years. They have not changed the shows in all that time. I know the shows pretty much by heart now but Lauren still loves to watch them.

Lauren with the seals

Sea World had a great Christmas tree. It was really something to see.

Last year Lauren and I went to Disneyland during Halloween time. It was so fun to see Disney decorated for Halloween. I thought that if they decorate that much for Halloween, they must do a great job for Christmas. So, I planned a trip for Lauren and I to go to Disney during the Holidays. I also thought it would be a great start to Christmas.
I decided to start the vacation in San Diego. I did that because we had free tickets to Sea World. This summer if you bought a ticket for Sea World you could come one more day during the rest of the year for free. So since we were headed over to California I thought we would just start at Sea World and use the free tickets.
Lauren loves Sea World. It was all decorated for the holidays and they even had a few special holiday shows. Lauren's favorite show continues to be the Dog and Cat show however she is starting to like the dolphin show a lot. We had a great day and it was a fun way to start our winter vacation.
It is always fun to go on vacation and we did have a good time, there was a bit of a dark cloud over our vacation. My brother and his wife had their second child, Jacob, on Saturday morning (12:04 am). We stopped by to see him before we headed over to California. However, Jacob was not in Diane's room so we only got to see him through the nursery window. He was having problems with feeding and was making some grunting sounds and they thought he might have some fluid in his lungs. Well, while we were on vacation, the doctor continued to be concerned when things did not clear up and they decided to move him to a hospital with a special children's unit. He is now in ICU. He has some heart problems that has kept him there for now. Brian and Diane hope to be able to bring him home this weekend but he will still have some problems that they will need to deal. If he does not improve then he might need a heart transplant. Keep him in your prayers.

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