Thursday, November 27, 2008


Lauren and Sammie.


Lauren and Elaine

After dinner game.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I think it is great that we have a day to think and reflect on what we are thankful for. I am so thankful for so many things. One of the things that I am most thankful for is my family. I have great family. I love that we can have a great time when we spend time together and that we actually enjoy each other.
Thanksgiving this year was at my sister, Janine's house. We usually have Thanksgiving at my brother's house but my sister-in-law is about to have a baby (she was due yesterday). It was a nice day. We had a great meal, good conversation and a fun time joking and playing some games. The cousins all get along even though they are different ages. They have fun with each other and seem to enjoy being with each other.

This year I am thankful for so many things. As our world is going through so many problems I am thankful that I have a good job that I enjoy. I am thankful that I have a nice home to live in. I am thankful that I have good friends. I am thankful for my faith in God and the church I attend. But what I am most thankful for is my little girl. She is the best part of my life and I just love her so much. Everyday I think that I am the luckiest person because I get to be her mom.

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