Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Lauren

Happy 5th Birthday Lauren!!!!

5 years ago today a little girl was left on the steps of a medical center in Leizhou China. She was found to be a newborn, healthy, baby girl and was later placed at the Leizhou SWI. She was named Lei Qing Rong at that time. She lived and was cared for at the SWI for about 13 months when she was placed in my arms. I wish I could let Lauren's birth family know that Lauren is doing great and that she is deeply loved.

Dear Lauren:

You are 5 years old today. I can’t believe how big you have gotten over the past 4 years since we became a family. I look at you in awe. You are such a strong, beautiful, smart and caring young lady. I am so proud to be your mom.
I love everything about you. I love that you are not afraid to try new things. I love that you like to make new friends and that others like to be your friend. I love that you have a thirst for knowledge. I love how you ask me all types of questions and really listen for the answer. I love when you explain things to me. I love that you sing all the time and always want music playing. I love the songs you make up. I love the way you tell me about your day. I love that you make me laugh with your little jokes. I love that you like to make art projects. I love that you love to write and read. I love that you like to tell me stories about your friends or school or other important things. I love that you come to me when you need help or for a hug when you are hurt. I love the kisses and hugs you give to me. I love that you are strong and don’t let people take advantage of you. I love that you try to follow the rules and that you don’t think it is right when others don’t. I love that you are at times a girly girl and at other times a tomboy. I love when teachers or coaches talk about you and it is always that you are such a good kid. But most of all I love that you are my daughter and I am your mom.
I often think about your birth mother and wonder if she is thinking about you today. I wonder if she is hurting because she misses you. I wish I could tell her how remarkable of a child you are.

Lauren, remember you can be anything you want to be. You are a wonderful little girl with so much ahead of you. I can’t wait to see what you will be when you grown up but I am so happy that I get to enjoy the ride while you get there. This is going to be a fun and exciting year. I am looking forward to seeing what will happen while you are 5. Happy Birthday my wonderful child!

I Love You,


To celebrate Lauren's 5th birthday we spent the afternoon and evening together. I left work early and went home to spend the day with Lauren. We got ready and then we went out to dinner. After dinner we walked around and played in the water. We then went to High School Musical Live. It was a fun day. Lauren seemed to enjoy it but it was late and she fell asleep during the last part of the play. I think that she has a great 5th birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Lauren!! We can't wait to celebrate when you get here. Travel Safe!


    Ella and Kim
