Sunday, June 22, 2008

5 year old pictures

This afternoon I took Lauren to get her 5 year old pictures taken. Getting her pictures taken is a trying time for me (and I am sure for her too.)

Lauren is not a natural with smiling or with posing. She always looks a bit stiff and most times her smile is a bit strange looking. I keep trying to tell her to just smile like when you are laughing. She does not get it and it is a painful time to get pictures done. Usually I am hopeful that one will turn out nice.

Today was no different. I think I promised her everything under the sun if she would just smile and try. It took a while but we got a few nice ones.

I like top one the best. I got this one in an 8 x 10. Of course I did not notice until I got the pictures back that she has glitter on her arm from her morning Sunday School class. Right before we left for pictures I was busy trying to get blue fingernail polish off from yesterday's dance recital that I did not even notice the glitter on her arm. Anyway I think she is smiling so nice in this picture.

I can't believe how big she looks in this picture. She looks so grown up. She also looks really tall. She really is not that tall but for some reason she looks tall and lean in this picture.

I kept telling her to sit up straight. I think this is as straight as she can get. It is not my favorite but it is cute.

Again she looks so tall and grown up. Somewhere I read that you should not wear white for pictures. But I love this dress and I thought that since she has a summer birthday it would look nice. I think it looks fine since she is has such pretty dark coloring.

I love her little toes in this picture.
Over all it turned out ok. It always gives me stress to be there trying to get a few nice pictures and I am glad it is over. It is something I just don't look forward to at all. I keep thinking it will get easier but it never does.

The pictures I got were better centered and etc. They give you this CD that you can use to print out pictures from home or e-mail or put on the web. I think that is pretty nice.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute, and just think you have another photo session to look forward to when you get here!!

    Can't wait to see you guys!

    Kim and Ella
