Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

After we got home from church on Mother's Day I thought that I would have to go to the condo to do work. However, my sister decided that we should have Mother's Day off. So with a free day Lauren and I spent the day together. I worked on the never ending scrapbook project and Lauren did her own art project. Lauren loves to make cards for people. She really does a fancy job on them. When they are done they are usually full of messages, stickers, drawings, ribbons, buttons, and etc. She had a great time doing it.

We then decided to go to a park in town. This park has a big pond/lake that has fish and ducks in it. It has a nice bike path and lots of playgrounds. It was a bit warm but we had fun. We first started with a bike ride around the park.

Lauren is ok with riding her bike but she does not love it. She is very scared to go down any type of hill and she does not like to go very fast. So the bike riding did not last for very long.

We then went to the playground and Lauren played in the sand with her sand toys. We always bring shovels and buckets to the park. Usually when we get them out there is a group of kids that come and want to play. Today was no different and soon there was a crowd. However, these kids were from a large group of people that were at the park having a large group picnic. The kids were at the playground area and the parents of these kids were no where around. These kids were so bad. They were throwing sand and just being brats. I finally went up and took the toy from this one little boy. Lauren had fun and she does like to play in the sand. She could do it for hours.

We then decided to take a walk around the pond/lake and feed the ducks. Lauren was wearing her sunglasses and decided to walk like a sassy girl. It was really cute.

The ducks at this pond know that people come to feed them so when someone starts to feed them they all start to gather. There were times when there were a lot of ducks coming up to us and making noises. At times it was a bit scary. There was this one duck that would not leave us alone, it kept following us, it was a bit weird.

It was hot and Lauren kept wanting to take a break. It took forever to get around the pond/lake when you have to take a break every few minutes. We were both hot and tired when we got into the car to go home. But it was a nice Mother's Day afternoon.

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