Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day


For 4 years people have been wishing me happy Mother's Day and I have loved it every time. (I have had Lauren for 3 Mother's Day but I was really close to receiving my referral for her 4 years ago.)

There was a time when I thought I would never be a mother. It use to make me very sad to think about how I might never experience being a mother.

I then started to think about doing it on my own and I looked at different options. The one that felt right for me was to adopt from China.

I turned my paper work and was DTC on 10/21/2003. The wait at that time was about a year but things started to speed up and on June 7, 2004 I was told that I have a little girl waiting for me in China. I remember when I first saw her picture and I thought she was just wonderful. I was a mom.

On August 10, 2004 this lovely little girl was placed in my arms. She was little and frightened and I was scared and so very happy. I was a mom with my child in my arms.

I love being Lauren's mom. She makes me so happy. I love spending my time and my money on her. I love seeing the joy in her face when she is happy. I love the kisses and hugs that she gives me. I love that she is always asking me questions. I love that she makes me laugh and that I can make her laugh. I am so proud that I can call her my daughter.

Being a mom is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened in my life. I am so blessed that I was given this young lady.

This morning Lauren was so excited to give me the gifts she had made for me. She had me open them first thing this morning. I got so many gifts from her. These gifts were better then any store bought gift.

This has been a wonderful Mother's Day.

We took these pictures this morning before going to church. I can't believe how long her hair has gotten.

Look at all the gifts I got this morning from Lauren.

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