Saturday, March 1, 2008

Teddy Bear Tea

A few days ago Lauren was invited to a Teddy Bear tea. She was to bring her favorite stuffed animal or doll to the tea. That was a bit of a challenge since she loves all her stuffed animals. She decided on her rabbit.

This tea was hosted by one of her friends from her school. This friend's family is amazing. Lauren attends a small coop preschool. The parents are to coop a few days a month. However, since I work full time they let me skip the coop part. (I do try to do other things to make up the time.) The parents at this coop are really neat and caring parents. Lauren has been going to this school since she was 2 years old. This is her third year at this school. Many in her class have been there for 3 years also. This children have become really close and they really enjoy being together. It will be a bit strange next year as they go different ways as the start kindergarten. Two of Lauren's classmates will be attending the same school next year. However, they are both boys.

The family that hosted the tea asked me at the beginning of the school year if Lauren could come over after school one day a week. I was a little surprised but they really wanted to come over every Thursday every week. This has been going on since the beginning of the year and Lauren and and her classmate have been really good friends. Lauren is probably one of the shorter girls in her class and her friend is the tallest. They make a cute pair.

The tea was fun. The girls wanted to drink out of the small little tea cups, I think they to be filled about 20 times each. It was a nice afternoon and the girls all seemed to have a wonderful time. I hope that Lauren makes friends like that next year when she starts her new school.

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