Sunday, March 2, 2008


I know that there is still snow coming down in parts of our country, but here we have started to see the signs of Spring. For some people our whole winter would be signs of Spring, but when we reach the mid to high 70s we are ready. (The 60s are still the middle of winter for us!) This weekend was just beautiful. We were able to go to the park for some fun time playing. It is hard to believe that Spring is here. The only problem with that is that summer and our HOT HOT weather is coming soon. However, for now we will enjoy the wonderful weather while we can. It is so nice to have her wear bright colors. I love when fall comes and the fall/winter colors, but there is just something special about Spring and bright colors that can cheer up anyone. What is more cheerful then yellow and pink.

(Lauren usually does not wear pearls to the park to play. We had just came from church and did not take off her pearls. Or, maybe I should just sign her up for the Junior League now!)

Lauren's most favorite thing about the park is the swings. The only problems is that she still does not know how to pump herself so I get stuck pushing and pushing the whole time at the park. There a a few minutes I can talk her into doing something different but if she had her way, she would be on the swing the whole time.

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