Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Water park fun

Grant playing catch

Lauren and Sammie
Watching a movie
Grant on the computer.

Lauren and Sammie playing in Lauren's room.

Day weekend has been a full busy one. Lauren and I started Friday night with the Spy Kids movie. The first Spy Kids movies came out when Elaine and Blaire was Lauren's age. It was kinda cute that years later I am going to the same movie with Lauren.

Lauren and I went to a water park on Saturday. Lauren was finally tall enough to go down the slides and go on the high dive. She went on both of them many many times. We had a great time together and ended the evening with a movie and pizza.

Sunday was spent at Janine and Don's home. The kids swam and we had a nice dinner. Poor little Jacob took a fall when he first got there and ended up with a huge knot on his forehead. Sorry little sweetie. Sammie and Grant then spent the night. Grant enjoyed playing on the computer and the girls played with every toy in Lauren's room. They watched a movie before calling it a night.

Monday was spent with Sammie and Grant. We went back over to Don and Janine's for some more swimming and lunch. We also had to go get some ice cream to cool us down on a very warm Labor Day. It was a very fun Labor Day weekend. A lot of mommy and Lauren time and a lot of cousin fun.

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