Thursday, September 29, 2011

Class Pictures

Third grade pictures

Class Picture

Today Lauren got her class pictures back. I love to see how they turn out. I think they turned out so good. She is looking so grown up. I always put one in her school record book. It is so fun to look back and see how much she has grown up since she started at Cherokee. My baby is growing up so fast!!!

This year Lauren has 29 kids in her class. This is the most she has every had. It worries me a bit but she seems to be doing fine. She loves school and really likes her teacher. She thinks it is so neat that Grant was in her class when he was in 3rd grade. This is also the first year that Lauren is at Cherokee without Grant. In fact they will not be in the same school again until high school. Grant will be a senior and Lauren will be a freshman. We have a long time until then!

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