Saturday, July 16, 2011

Chicago Vacation - Day 10

On the 10th and final full day in Chicago we did all things China. We started the day with dim sum in Chinatown. Lauren loved the chicken and sticky rice. I think she eat 3 helpings of it. Then we walked around Chinatown for a little while. We then made a quick stop at the American Girl Place to replace some broken glasses. Then on to Navy Pier.

There we wandered around the pier and even watched a pirate show before meeting some friends for a Chinese Circus show. It was a great show the girls just loved it. After the show we went on the Ferris wheel. At first Lauren was scared but once on she realized that it goes very slow and she was fine. It is a great place to see the city below. We went on this 5 years ago when Ella as 1 and Lauren was 3. I will posted some pictures from them also.

After the ride we had to stop and get some Garrett's popcorn. So good!! Then we went home to relax and pack for our flight home the next day.

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