Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas with the Heltons

All the kids in front of the tree at the end of the evening.

Lauren opening one of her gifts.

Relaxing with family and friends.

Little Jake.

The Heltons decided to spend Christmas with Don's family this year. It has been over 10 years since they spent Christmas with Don's family so it was long overdue. Since they would not be here for Christmas or Christmas Eve we decided to have a early Christmas for them. We had them open their gifts and we opened the gifts from them. It was a fun evening and nice we still got to celebrate with them.

The Heltons left the next morning for KY. Lauren and I drove them to the airport at about 4:30am. We will miss them but I am sure they will have a great time. The weather reports states that they should have a white Christmas. I am sure the kids will have fun playing in the snow.

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