Sunday, September 12, 2010

Front Tooth - Gone!

Lauren has had issues with her teeth for the past few years. First, she grinds she teeth. This is because she has a very bad under bite. She has ground her front teeth down to little stubs. Second, the adult teeth on the bottom teeth have come in behind the baby teeth. It happened with the bottom teeth in the front and now it is happening with the next two bottom teeth. If you look in the mouth you can see the adult teeth coming in with the baby teeth right in front. I thought for sure she would lose the bottom first in the next few weeks and well before the front teeth.
This afternoon when I got her from Sunday school, she told me her top front tooth was loose. I felt it and it was pretty loose. She played with it all afternoon. Then around dinnertime she calls to me that she pulled it out. Boy did that surprise me. Lauren was so excited. She is excited for the tooth fairy to come and she is excited to get her name on the lost tooth chart in her classroom. What a big day for her.
I just can't wait until the other small front tooth comes out. The little front teeth have bugged me for the past year. It looks so much cuter with no teeth then those little ground down teeth.

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