Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Silly Bands

Lots of Silly Bands

Lots and Lots of Silly Bands

Lauren ready for school with her silly bands.

Spirit Day.
Silly Bands started to invade our house in the spring but I thought over the summer Lauren was over them. I was wrong. Since school started she is back into them. She collects them and trades them with her friends. She told me last week that she sits at the "trading table" during lunch. She shows me her new trades when we get into the car. The funny thing is that she really does not like to wear them. She will wear a few (3 or 4) but she thinks they tickle and so she keeps them in a bag.
I know that in a few months this fad will be gone. Something else will be takes it place. The only good thing I can say about this fad is that it is relatively inexpensive. You can get a bunch of them for only a few bucks. I know that there will be fads that are not so cheap and I will be wishing for the silly bands to be back.
These pictures were taken last Friday, which is spirit day at her school. She is looking so grown up in these pictures.

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