Monday, August 9, 2010

First Day of Second Grade

Ready for school.

My little girl is now a second grader, how did that happen??

Note to Lauren from mom.

Lauren went back to school today. Wow, summer went by so fast. Lauren was so excited to start school. Sunday night she had a hard time falling asleep. I think the excitement was just too much for her.
On Sunday, we made cupcakes with the school colors of Lauren and Grant school (red and black), Elaine's school (red and yellow) and Blaire's school (black and white). We brought them over for a first day of school treat. I don't think they got it until Lauren pointed it out to them.
Lauren's school starts an hour later this year, so instead of me dropping her off at school she now goes to her aunt's house and takes the bus with her cousin, Grant to school. I miss that time of dropping her off. I loved saying good-bye to her and watch her head into school each day. I am going to miss that this year!
Her first day went really well. She really likes her teacher and she loved seeing all her friends. She was so excited to tell me all about her day. She was even happy to tell me that she already had homework. I hope she keeps this excitement up. I think this will be a great year for her.

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