Monday, June 7, 2010

Referral Day plus 6 years

I took this picture tonight before we went to swim lessons. Lauren was in one of her silly moods. (She was also eating goldfish, which is the orange color in her mouth.)

She always asks me if that is really her.

This is one of the referral pictures I received a few days after I got Lauren's referral. She was a very cute little baby!

6 years ago today I received word that I had a daughter waiting for me in China. What special day that was and what great memories. It is hard for me to believe that it has been 6 years since that day.

I can't believe I am the mother of this wonderful, funny, smart, beautiful, young lady. She brings so much joy to my life. When every I see her or think about her or hear her she brings happiness to my day. I am one very lucky mother.

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