Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday Lauren

Lauren this morning before we left for church. Lauren has always wanted to bring treats to school on her birthday. However, since she has a summer birthday that does not work. So we decided to bring them to sunday school instead.

Lauren received a card in the mail from Build a Bear for her birthday. It included a free animal. So after church we went there to get her free animal. They lady at the store told me that only a few kids gets the free animal cards. I guess it was Lauren's lucky day!!

Lauren with her new dog.
Lauren turned 7 years old today. I can't believe that she is seven years old and that I have had her for 6 years. It is just crazy how fast time flies by. This morning Lauren told me she felt that her arms and legs had grown now that she was 7. Although she is 7 years old she will always be my baby!!

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