Saturday, May 22, 2010

Birthday Party

Slide Ready!

Pool Ready!

Singing Happy Birthday. It was a bit windy out and the candles kept blowing out. So we told Lauren to just pretend to blow out the candles.

Slide fun!

Pool fun!

Friend Fun!

Lauren turns 7 years old on June 27. Since that is the middle of summer and here in Arizona that means very few people are around. A few years ago we started to celebrate her birthday with her friends in May before school ends for the year. So today we had her birthday party with her friends. When her birthday comes in June we will have a little family party.

Lauren has always wanted a party in the backyard with a pinata and other fun games. Since I have a very small backyard I asked my sister if we could do the party at her house, in her huge backyard. I also asked her if she wanted to split a party with me. So, Lauren had her party at Janine's house from 11-2 and then Grant had his party from 3:30 - 6:30. We rented a large water slide in addition to the pool. It was a great way to keep the expenses down and have a great party.

It was a long day but both parties went great and the kids all seemed to have a so much fun. The water slide was a big hit at both parties. It was a really nice day, not too hot. It was a bit windy but the kids didn't even seem to notice. It was two successful parties!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!!! (a few weeks early)

1 comment:

  1. What fun!! Lauren looks like she is having a blast! Looks like Janine and Don took down their pool fence.

