Wednesday, April 14, 2010

National Championships

Getting ready with Coach Maddie

Practicing her "bow and arrow" with Coach Paige

Hanging out with her teammates


Prize time!!
Lauren's last cheer competition was this weekend. It was the National Championships. The girls did great and although they didn't win they had a great time. They did the best they could and they did not have any falls and missteps. I am so proud of how well they did. The best part was that they really had a fun weekend.
For me it was a LONG week. On Tuesday I came down with a very bad case of strep throat. It was painful and I missed the rest of the week of work. We then flew to Anaheim on Friday. I was just starting to feel better was still not great. By Saturday I was feeling a bit better and was able to enjoy the competition on Saturday and Sunday. We went to Disney Sunday night after the awards and were planning on spending all day Monday there also. Sunday night was good. But Monday morning Lauren woke up and did not feel good. We made it down to Disney and it was cold and started to rain. It only rained for about 90 minutes but it was cold all day. We decided to leave after a few hours and go back to the hotel and take a nap. Lauren slept for 3 hours. We headed back to Disney later that afternoon and Lauren started to feel sick again. We made it an early evening and went back to the hotel and slept.
The next morning I woke up SICK! I thought I had what Lauren had had but soon realized my Strep was back. It seems that the infection was too powerful and overtook the meds. I ended up back at the doctor on Weds with stronger meds. I just want to feel better and forget about the past week.

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