Sunday, March 14, 2010

Finally a Sunny Weekend!

For the last three weekends it has been rainy and cold. That seems to be a record for Phoenix. This weekend it was beautiful. Saturday was sunny and 75. Perfect weather for a day at the zoo.
Lauren was in a rare posing mood. So I got to take a bunch of pictures with no fight or no bribe. She can be so funny when she is "posing" but I take what I can.
The funniest thing happened toward the end of the day. I got Lauren an ice pop and we decided to just sit and watch the baboons for a while while she ate her pop. The male baboon was chasing the female around the baboon area and finally caught her. He then proceeded to mate with her. Lauren was just watching but didn't say a word. I was trying to figure out what to say if she asked what was going on. But since she didn't ask I decided to just let that one pass by without comment. Oh, the things you see at the zoo. (I didn't get a picture of that action!)

1 comment:

  1. Lauren is growing up so fast! I love the picture of her with the meercats -- cute!! I was replacing some of my photos in the frames the other day to update them. I always leave the older picture in the frame because then I have a whole sequence of the child getting older. I had one of Lauren when you first adopted her. She looked so scared and confused! It's amazing how well she is doing now -- you would never think that she was that scared little baby six years ago.
