Saturday, January 9, 2010


Winterfest at school.

Playing in the snow.

Blaire on the Velcro jump house.

Lauren on the snow.

Usually Lauren's school has a fall fest but this year they decided to do a winterfest instead. Fall in Arizona can still be hot and the fest is usually really hot. Having it during the winter was a nice change. The weather was great and everyone seemed to have fun.
I didn't get many pictures of Lauren because she "wanted to hang out with her friends". My little girl has grown up!!! My other picture issue is that my usual camera is in the shop. When I told Lauren I might not be able to take as many pictures of her this next month or so, she clapped and let out a happy scream. I think she is trying to tell me something.
We met Blaire and Grant at the fest. Lauren hung out with Blaire for a while but even ditched one of her favorite cousins for friends. Blaire really wanted to do the Velcro jumpy house. They put on a Velcro suit and jump against the wall, also covered in Velcro. It was pretty funny. Blaire said it was hard to unattached from the wall. It was pretty funny to watch.
We had to leave the fun early so Lauren could go to her first ever slumber party. I miss her tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Lauren really is growing up! Her first sleep-over! Did she do OK being away from home?
