Sunday, December 13, 2009


My work had our Christmas party at Zoolights. I love when they do this. I then don't have to pay to get in and they have treats and hot cocoa and etc. for us. It is fun to see everyone from work with their families. Lauren and I had a great time. This year was so much fun with Lauren. She is getting older and it is fun to experience these things with her at this age. She has such wonderful comments and her reactions to some of the lights is priceless.
I love taking pictures of Lauren and I think she is a bit tired of it. Lately she has been doing a pose that drives me crazy. She watched a tv show that showed one of the characters putting her hand to her mouth in a stylish pose. So now I get that pose ALL THE TIME. See above, there are 4 pictures with this crazy pose. UGH!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing Zoolights -- that was fun! Lauren's pose is hilarious! She is like a little sponge -- what a riot!! I can see how it would drive you nuts though!
