Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Cindy!!!!

Cindy opening the door. She was so surprised. I think she was even more surprised that all her friends and family kept our visit a secret.

Cindy, Jacob, Steve, Jon and Dan.

My sister, Cindy, turned 50 years old on September 18th. She lives in California with her husband and 3 boys. About a month ago I asked her husband what he was planning for her birthday. He said that his family was going to have a dinner party for her and some friends. So Janine, Brian and I decided to surprise her and come to the dinner party.

We flew into San Jose on Saturday morning and then drove to her house. We knocked on her door and when she opened it she about fainted. She was so surprised and confused. It was so great to see the look on her face. We spent the day with her and her family. It was so good to see my nephews and Cindy and Ron. We don't get to see them that often so this was a special time for me.

We went to the dinner party that night and Ron's family did such a wonderful job. The meal was great and it was a fun time with everyone. I am so glad that Cindy had such a nice celebration for her 50th birthday.

The next morning we had breakfast together and then we had to get back to the airport to fly home. My brother, Brian, brought his son, Jacob with him. Cindy and her family had never met him and so this was a nice chance to finally meet him.

I had so much fun and I am so thankful for my wonderful family. I didn't take a lot of pictures just spent most of the time enjoying the

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