Monday, August 10, 2009

A Very Special Day

First day of FIRST GRADE!!

Into the class she goes. She told me that I didn't have to come in with her.

My baby is growing up way too fast!!

Today was the first day of First Grade. Lauren was so excited to go to school this morning. She got up without any problems and even ate a good breakfast. She got dressed by herself and even let me take a few pictures.

She is so independent. She was not that happy that I wanted to walk her to her classroom but I won that battle. Taking a picture at school was another story. I got one picture but no others were going to happen.

Today was also the anniversary of Lauren being placed in my arms. 5 years ago today, Lauren and I became a family. We went out to dinner last night and I told her that Aug. 10, 2004 was the best day of my life. She then wanted me to know that it was the best day of her life also. I really want to believe that and it was so special to hear.

I just can't believe that I have a First Grader and that it has been 5 years since we became a family. Time really just flies by.


  1. Holy Smokes! That's a huge backpack! Lauren could curl up in it and take a nap! How is school going for her? She looks excited about going to school!

  2. Happy Family Day and first day of school!!
