Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dance Recital

Today was Lauren's dance recital. This was Lauren's second year of dance lessons. She was like an old pro at the recital this year. She really likes the dance outfits and being on stage. She was in three dances, ballet, jazz and tap. Her favorite this year was the ballet dance and outfit.

It was a fun afternoon and it was made even more fun because her aunt Janine, cousin Elaine, aunt Diane and cousin Sammie came to watch her dances.

Lauren wants to take a break from dancing so we are not going to dance next year. She will still be doing cheerleading so she will still get to be on stage and perform. It will be nice to have our Saturdays back. It will the first time since she was two that we will not have some type of lesson on Saturday.

Lauren's Ballet outfit.

Jazz outfit.

Tap outfit.

1 comment:

  1. Cute outfits! My favorite is the ballet outfit too! Can I get a picture of Lauren in the ballet outfit to put on my wall at work? All kinds of pictures of my nieces and nephews! Oh my goodness, Elaine looks just like Janine! She is really growing up too! I bet Lauren was thrilled that Janine and Sammie came to her recital!
