Sunday, April 12, 2009


The Easter basket is ready for Lauren to wake up.

Lauren, just out of bed, looking in her Easter basket.

My beautiful Easter girl.

Ready for church.

Spinning and twirling.

Lauren with her older cousins, Blaire and Elaine. I have taken a picture of these three every Easter since I got Lauren. I will do a post with all of them in the next few weeks. It is fun to look back on how much they have grown up.

The cousins. (missing the California boys.)


Easter was a very full day. We started the day with Lauren's Easter basket. Lauren was so excited to see what was in her basket and her favorite thing was the chocolate bunny. She wanted to eat it first thing this morning.

We then went to my brother's home for breakfast and to go to church. Of course we had to get the pictures. I take a ton of pictures of Lauren but it seems that our Easter pictures never come out that great. I love the pictures with all the cousins and those came out great.

After church we had the egg hunt and then a great lunch. It was a really fun and nice Easter. It is always nice to celebrate with family. Usually my sister from California comes out at Easter time but this year her and her family were not able to make it. We missed them. It was not the same without them.

April 12 is the day my mother died 16 years ago. The year she died it was also Easter weekend. It is so hard to believe that she has been gone for that long. My father has now been gone for almost 3 years. Holiday's makes me miss them so much. It is not the same without them. I wish my mom could have seen all her grandchildren. She wanted them so bad and only got to see one of them before she died. She would have loved to see them doing the egg hunt and just enjoying each other. It is wonderful to know we will all be together again in heaven someday. Easter is the perfect time to remember that promise.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you all had a wonderful Easter day! We sure missed being with you too! We kept saying how weird it was not to be in Arizona for Easter. I thought about Mom and Dad a lot too. I sure miss them but are so happy that they were celebrating Easter in the presence of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
