Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day


Lauren found a bucket full of gold.

Relaxing and enjoying the afternoon.

Matt and Meg with Lauren. (Lauren had a softball game in the evening.)

Lauren and I had a great St. Patrick's Day. The best part was that we got to spend it with some friends I don't get to see every often. Very good friends of mine came in town this weekend and today was there last full day in Phoenix. We had spent Saturday with them and today I took a half vacation day from work, got Lauren out of school a few hours early and we hung out with them all afternoon. They were staying at a nice resort here in town and Lauren and I were able to enjoy the resort pool.

It was so cute to watch Lauren and Matt and Meg. Lauren loves to be around kids that are older then her and they were so nice to her. I am sad that they don't live closer to us. I can't think of a better way to spend St. Patrick's Day.

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