Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lauren's First Softball Game

Today was Lauren's first softball game. I have been looking forward to her playing softball. for a long time. I played softball when I was young and really enjoyed it. I hope Lauren grows to like it also. (I am not sure she is that thrilled with it now!)
Lauren is in the youngest age group. The "games" are are coach pitch for the first 5 pitches and if they don't hit the ball then they hit off a tee. All the girls bat each inning. The fielders try to get outs but it does not matter if they get everyone out or no one because all bat. Also, if they do get someone out the person stays on the base to get use to running the bases. This age group is to really just teach the fundamentals of the game. It is not about winning. As the season goes on they learn more and more. Right now the focus is on hitting, running the bases, fielding and throwing. They are just starting to learn where to throw the ball.
Lauren hit the ball pretty good. She hit each time from a coach pitch. Her fielding was ok. I think she got a bit bored (see picture above) at times. But most of the times she paid attention.
The girls have to wear a ton of safety items. They have to wear the full batting helmet. The helmets come in one size and as you can see even on Lauren's big head it looks big. They also have to wear a mouth guard. That is the pink thing you see in her mouth. It can't be comfortable to wear but it is a rule. Lauren played with hers the whole time she was in the field.
I can't believe how grown up my little girl looks in her uniform. She is getting so big. She tried hard and I was proud to be her mom.


  1. She looks so grown up, I ask Ella all the time if she can stop doing that!! Glad it was a good first experience!

  2. Lo-Lo looks so cute! I love the uniforms -- so colorful! It looks like she was having fun!
