Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Week Before Christmas

Star of the week.

Cheer program at a care center.

Dressed like a person from France for the school program .

Activities from around the world.

Christmas cookie decorating

Baking contest

Winning cookies

Time for bed to get ready for another very busy week!!!

This past week continued to be as busy as the weekend had been. First, Lauren was "Star of the Week" in her class. This meant that we had to make a poster all about Lauren. We did that very late Sunday night. Then each day Lauren would have to bring two items from home. (A sort of show and tell.) Then on Friday, Lauren had to fill a large jar with an item. The rules are that you put between 19 and 100 of these items in the jar and then the kids try to guess how many there are. We decided that candy canes would be a good item to use. Lauren liked being Star of the Week. I just wish we could have done it during a week that was a little less packed!!

Then Lauren had a few parties during the week. The first was at cheerleading and the next one was at Awanas. Of course Lauren had to bring a small gift to exchange at each of these parties. After this week we have a few weeks off from activities. That will be nice not to have something going on each evening.

During the week, Lauren's cheerleading group went to a care center to put on a short program for the residents. It was very cute and I am glad that she was able to do this types of outreach activity. After doing the program Lauren and the others went up to the residents and hugged them and talked to them for a short while. Lauren was not afraid to talk to the residents at all. It was nice to see her do this.

On Friday Lauren's class celebrated the end of their latest theme. This theme was Children from around the World. They have been on this theme for the past month or so. Each student had to pick a country from around the world. They had to write a report and do a small talk about the country. Friday was the celebration of the end of the theme. The students each brought an item of food from their country and they were also encouraged to dress like children from their country. At the party they all shared the food and they did some art activities from some of the countries. Lauren had picked France. Lauren did wear a beret to school but by the afternoon she was done with wearing it. It was a nice time and not the typical holiday party.

Later that night we all got together at Lauren's aunt's house to decorate cookies. The cousins all seemed to have great time. I was so tired from just a long week I just wanted to go home and sleep.

On Saturday, Lauren still had dance and then we went to Aunt Janine's house for a Bake Off. Lauren and I picked peanut butter cup cookies. Lauren did a great job helping. Although from the picture it looks like we won everything we really didn't . I think there was some bribing with the judges or something because we only came in second. We felt we were cheated. We will get them next year!!!

It was a very full week and we have a very full day tomorrow. This holiday season has been a lot of fun but also very tiring. It will be nice to get back to normal.

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