Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Cousin

Jacob Mathew

Sammie kissing her new little brother.

Lauren holding her new cousin.

Lauren and Jacob

Getting ready for our first holiday party

All ready to go to the Christmas Party. (Lauren wanted to wear some makeup so bad. I put on a bit of glittery eye shadow. The light really reflects it so it seems like she has a lot on but it was hardly noticeable.)
Last Saturday (Nov. 29) Lauren's new cousin was born. His name is Jacob Mathew. He has had us all worried and praying hard for him this past week. When Jacob was born he was making grunting sounds and they thought that he had fluid in this lungs. They did and x-ray and they then discovered that he has some heart problems. He spent the first week of his life in ICU where they ran a lot of tests. They are still trying to figure out all the is wrong and what they can do about it. Usually people with type of heart problem don't find out about it until they are older and something has happened. It still might be something that is life threatening but we are praying and hoping that Jacob will be able to live a long and healthy life.
On Friday the doctors felt there was no reason he could not go home until they had all the test results. We are all so happy that he is now home with his parents and big sister. Lauren and I went over to see him and bring his family some dinners for the next few days.
Lauren was so excited to finally get to see him. I was also excited. We had only seen him through a little window last Saturday so it was nice to finally get to hold him and give him a big kiss. At first Lauren did not want to hold him but she finally said that she would and I was able to get a few pictures. He is a cutie and was really good when we were there. My brother and sister in law look pretty tired. They said he was up all night last night and so they have had little sleep.
After we left my brother's house we went to our first holiday party of the year. It was was at one of my co-workers. Lauren was one of only 2 kids there but she had a great time. Her and the other little girl got along really well and had a great time playing. I can't believe that Christmas is in less then 3 weeks. I have so much more to do!!

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