Sunday, October 26, 2008

Boo at the Zoo

Princess Bella at the fountain.

Princess Belle on a camel.

Princess Belle sweeping up spiders.

Princess Belle swinging.

Princess Belle riding a tractor.

Princess Belle digging for worms.

Princess Belle playing hopscotch.

Lauren AKA Princess Belle and I went to Boo at the Zoo. It was pretty warm today so Lauren decided not to wear her long sleeve bunny costume and instead decided to go as Princess Belle. I love this dress so I was happy with her decision.

The zoo had a ton of activities including leap frog, sweeping up spiders, digging for worms, pumpkin throw, and etc. Princess Belle had a great time but her favorite thing was riding the camel. When she was done she ask if she could take camel riding lessons. I tried to explain that camel riding is not very popular and so lessons might be hard to find.

It was a fun day and we are looking forward to a fun Halloween week.

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