Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day of School

Lauren started kindergarten today. She had been so excited last night that she did not go to bed that early, so this morning she was a bit tired. She kept saying I am so tired but I could tell there was a bit of being unsure of what was going to happen today. She dressed and we went outside to get some pictures. She was not in the mood and kept asking why I had to take pictures of her. I explained that is what mommies do on important days like today.

While we drove to school, Lauren was talking nonstop. I think she was a bit scared but didn’t know what to ask or say. We drove by a few other schools and I pointed out that all the schools were starting today. I kept telling her how she will meet new friends and that she was going to be fine and do great!

It was pretty packed at school with so many parents walking their children to classes. We went to Lauren’s class and her teacher greeted her and explained some of the things they are to do each day (put pack back in cubby, mark if she is brought her lunch or is buying her lunch and etc.). She then sat down and started to color. She had no problems and I think she was ready for the new experience.

After school she told me all about her day, the rules, what she had for lunch, who were the other kids in her class, how the bus ride was, who she sat by, and so much more. She likes school. She is going to be fine and she will have fun.

She goes to school with her cousin Grant. Before school started I had ask Grant to make sure she got on the bus to go home. He kept telling me that her teachers will take care of that and that he did not need to help. Today he told me that he stopped by her class on the way to the bus to check on her but she was already on the bus. It was so cute and so big cousin of him to look out for her.

I asked Lauren if her teacher seemed nice and Grant told me “I heard her teacher is really, really nice”. He was so cute about being the big cousin and knowing the ropes at the school.

I think it will be a good year!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how fast the time goes (relative to this and the last blog entry I might add). So amazing that Lauren started kindergarten today, you were both on our minds!!

    Kim and Ella
