Monday, July 28, 2008


Lauren was so careful with the driving. She was determined not to get in an accident.

Our last day in California was spent at Legoland. We have been there a few times so Lauren knew the rides she likes and the ones she does not. Most of the time I just let her decide if she wants to go on a ride or not but I was getting a bit frustrated at her for not trying any new rides. I did make her go on a few that she really did not want to. However, after they were over she told me she liked them.

I am not a ride person and I know she is not either but I wish she would try things once in a while. We did have a good day on the rides we went on and she liked playing in the water area. Once we left there we headed back home and got home early in the morning.

Lauren has two more weeks until school starts. She is attending a gymnastic camp these next two weeks and then summer is over. We might make another trip to California in the fall or early winter. I love to see the parks decorated for the holidays.

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